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TCM Capacitance Modules

TCM Capacitance Modules

TCM link capacitors are used in conjunction with Bosch Rexroth Indramat power supplies to reduce or eliminate noise generated by the mains line. These drives are typically used when circuit power exceeds 15kW, and are connected at strategic points along the mains line, depending on the wiring layout and length of the line. The TCM drives weigh approximately 6-7 kg and are commonly used with 'K' series Indramat Rexroth power supplies, such as KVR or KDV. They are a common component found in automation control lines, helping to ensure smooth operation and minimizing electrical noise.

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Part Number Availability
TCM 1.1-04-W0 In Stock, Ships Today
TCM 1.1-08 In Stock, Ships in 3-5 Days
TCM 1.1-08-W0 In Stock, Ships 2-3 Days
TCM 2.1-01-7 Call For Quote
TCM 2.1-02-7 In Stock, Ships 2-3 Days
TCM1.1-80-W0 In Stock, Ships 2-3 Days

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